the Morning After...

A holiday weekend is so looked forward to--religious holidays like Easter especially for me. The only drawback is the first day back to the grind, back to normal. I actually find it almost painful. The increased sugar intake is kicking my butt and I feel crazy tired.

I think I probably consume somewhere around 300 lbs. of sugar a year.
I have got to reevaluate what I eat. The stress in my life can only excuse so much of how I am turning my back on all the good knowledge I have in my brain to keep myself healthy and happy.

I have an idea! Let's create a candy-free zone:
Everyday I will update how many days I have gone without any private junk food parties.

And your job is to send encouragement and to participate with me (if you want).
Be sure to post your updates as comments to this posting so I can send you encouragement as well.

I need some ideas for  how to NOT go for the junk food:
What do you do to withstand the treat bug?
What healthy snacks do you absolutely love?
I need non-food ideas on how to reward myself for good behavior, too.
Cheap/Free Ideas and ones that cost some moo-lah (I will save those for when I am really struggling)

Hope to hear from lots of people. The more the merrier!


  1. I have nothing to contribute except encouragement. :) I'll be checking back for your friends' many smart ideas, as I am very weak at the moment!!! This is a CONSANT battle!!! I will say it takes 2 weeks of zero sugar tolerance for the intense cravings to go away. And after the detox if you say, NO SWEETS...NONE AT ALL, it really is pretty easy. Just can't bring myself to that level of discipline lately!

  2. First off, I have got to say I am SOOOO happy to see that Leigh is reading my blog!!!! Totally did not know that. and my next thing is WHY are you not listed as a follower? be brave, click that little follow button. You will give me great joy. and I am not kidding.

    Now to the important stuff. I am so with you on the very weak part. That is why I am reaching out for accountability. Do I really want to tell everyone that I just ate a package of snoballs, donuts, and two candy bars in one sitting? definitely NOT.

    And just so you know, you just added a smart idea. Not easy, but it is simple.

  3.'re on your own. Go for it, though. I'll be the proud friend with the Nachos and Snickers bar on the sidelines! Go Laura! Just say no, girlfriend! Woo-hoo! ;)


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