The Non-Traditional Student

If ever there was a non-traditional student that stuck out like a sore thumb on a university campus, it is me at BYU. I went to a community college to get my Associates degree and so I know the difference.  I feel the difference. I enjoy my university experience a great deal, so don't think that I am knocking BYU. I love attending BYU, but I am a thirty-almost forty-something with four kids working on my UNDER GRAD degree.  Picture it: I go to class with 18-23 year olds.  I could have babysat them and some of them I could be their mother.  It is humbling and exciting.  On the first day of a new semester, I just feel old. Then, a few class sessions go by and I have got to know some of the most amazing young people and I am comfortable. The most priceless part of my BYU experience is the super friendships I have made so far.  Some totally fabulous friends. Who can ask for more? Friendship is as essential to me as food, water, and air.

That brings me to the HOW part of my school attendance.
Without really good friends helping me with my children, I could not do it. Literally. Sometimes I am astounded at how everything works out and some semesters the childcare kinks don't get worked out until a few days before the term begins. 

I am so grateful for the many kind, caring, and sacrificing women who make my education possible with so many obstacles in my path. You are my neighbors, friends, and sisters in every way.

So the big tip of the day is: 
If you are a non-traditional student with children--don't be afraid to ask your friends for help. They love you as much as you love them and will help where they can. 

And if you aren't a non-traditional student with children and you don't have some higher education under your belt (whatever type suits you)--GET TO SCHOOL NOW so you don't have to do any juggling acts in the circus.


  1. This made me kind of sad! I was thinking about it today. I am genuinely going to miss you! You are such a special person and deffiently a highlight of my school year! I can't wait to hear about 106. Love you!

  2. the world will definitely hear about Spanish 106 from me...hopefully all good things, but it remains to be seen. love you too Camilla


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