My Little Minion

Ok everybody...I am not feeling a bit whimsical whatsoever.  The definition alone means that I can not overthink the idea and put something up here, and I refuse to start dishing out fudge to you if I could and still appear whimsical. 

I have been cleaning like it is part of some mental/emotional therapy program, avoiding my studies as much as possible like it is part of some mental/emotional therapy program, and focusing on my children just like I should. They are the only part of my life right now that I know matters essentially and I should just be happy that I have them. 

The love of a child is of value beyond any treasure. And I am blessed with four! I am seriously rich.

The thought of my little monkeys reminded me of something I think is funny.  Hopefully you do too and this Wednesday won't be entirely wasted by the emotional funk I am in.

If you have seen the movie Despicable Me, you have heard of the little yellow creatures called minions. 
My seven-year old has been doing a self-study program on how to talk minion ever since we got the movie for Christmas! Did you hear that -- since Christmas?!  She has it perfected too.  She could try out for DM2 and get the lead minion part if there was such a thing. Sometimes she gets talking minion so much that I have to remind her to speak English so I can understand her. And due to her diligence in being multi-lingual I am also beginning to comprehend minion - somewhat. She cracks me up.
I am going to attempt a recording of it (if she will let me and if I can figure out how to post it), but until then here is a clip and you can just imagine a cute little girl copy-catting every nonsensical syllable and looking WAY cuter while doing it:

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