origin of the purple lady

I actually ripped my profile name or whatever you call it from a childhood memory...

My mom's family lived in California, and we would go visit at least once or twice a year it seemed, so it felt like my aunt and uncle's house was like home away from home.  Anyway, my cousins and my brothers and I would walk to the park nearby, and there was this lady who obviously loved purple. 

I am not sure what is just a figment of my imagination or what is real about this memory though. From what I recall, she was tagged The Purple Lady because she had a purple house, a purple car, the whole inside of her house was done up in purple.  I think I even remember my cousin telling me that The Purple Lady was in the Guinness Book of World Records because she even dyed her pet poodle purple. 

I could be wrong though. 

Nevertheless, I dedicate my over the top love of all things purple to The Purple Lady in Santa Maria, California.


  1. LOL!! I live in Santa Maria and yes... we have a Purple Lady.. shes still alive, shes like 89! hahaha.... I was googling her and your blog popped up!

  2. I've seen the purple lady, too. She came into arigato for her birthday dinner. They had a big purple cake, and she wore her usual purple with silvery purple hair, lol! She was a phantom in my life until that moment, as everyone I'd known had see her except me!

  3. She never had a purple poodle its an old wife's tale but it is wonderful to see how many people love my Grandma and admire her for her love of purple. In her words,"Purple is not my favorite color it's my only color."

  4. I grew p in Orcutt/Santa Maria and we always saw the Purple Lady around town. Even got to visit her one time at her purple house... Which was a few blocks away from my house. I remember running into her at the grocery store and she was writing a purple check with a purple pen, she gave me a purple biz card, with a purple sticker too. This was mid to late 80's. I forget what her actual name was, but my parents knew her fairly well. She was a fire cracker of a gal!!! :) fun blog! Best of luck!

  5. i lived next door to her for yrs! i've since started working in santa maria and would luv to find her and visit! i miss her walks every morning with a bag for discarded soda cans n her smashing all the snails on the sidewalks lol both her & her husband were such nice n sweet people. i rly do miss living next to her. so said to see the house is now painted white.


  7. I remember as a kid growing up in the Santa Maria area in the 80's and hearing my family talk about her all the time. We never met her but she was well known in this town by everyone as the Purple Lady. I always loved the color Purple myself growing up as a kid well into my adulthood years. One of my favorite colors. I just came across your blog as i was googling the Purple Lady. I was driving around the other just a few streets past the public library in Santa Maria just a few days ago and stumbled upon a Purple house I'm guessing it was not hers maybe. However i saw that house and she came to my mind. I also stumbled upon a Blue house on the same area and i thought that must be the Blue Man's house. I'm kidding. Thanks for the great blog I'm glad i came across it. Blessings.

  8. She was the purple lady for sure, even got to see her the inside of her very purple house. Her granddaughter rode horses with me.

  9. I grew up in orcutt and lived there until 1990. I always loved driving by the Purple lady's house and seeing her purple car! If I remember correctly she even had a purple driveway?!???! I still talk about her to this day!!!

  10. I lived near the purple lady and would see her often. I even saw her husband one time and he was dressed in all purple too... She was always very sweet and loved the attention she got from her purple obsession.

  11. I never met her, but when I lived in Santa Maria, I was into tea cups and tea pots, added a lot to my collection there. I love the color purple, so when I would go to Dillards to find purple tea cups, I never could. I asked a friend why they were always out, she said the purple lady always bought them out. It became a game to find purple tea cups before she did. Always wanted to meet her.

  12. I lived on the same street and was a friend to her son. My family lived on the opposite side of the street on the corner right across from Nightengale. Very nice family. I recall the inside of the house being almost as purple as the outside. She sure did love purple.


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