Me and Bieber

Ok everyone. Please forgive me for getting so controversial on here. Last week I put Breakfast at Tiffany's under a microscope and now I am going to head into TweenyBopperLand.

I totally do not like to jump on band wagons unless it is for a good cause; therefore, I am now a willing participant in spreading the Justin Bieber propaganda.

Dude! On Sunday I discovered that this kid hearts purple stuff too. He even appears to be a touch on the purple-fanatic side like me. Take a look at the photos from the link below. It is completely fascinating and yet somewhat disturbing.  

You know something? I might try listening to some of his music now...

Justin Bieber: Paris Turns Purple! | Justin Bieber | Just Jared Jr. - JJ

and this next link is just CRAZY stupid funny to me:

Hope you feel entertained and enlightened. Happy Wednesday!


  1. Dude...I hope Kayley never sees this. She loathes JB with a hot passion!

  2. Let me just say, If you watch "Never Say Never" your opinion on Justin Beiber can change so quickly, he has kind of changed my life. He is such an amazing kid who has become such an Icon and has the biggest most loyal fan base, I cannot even compare anyone I grew up loving like these girls love Justin. I have to admit, seeing him in purple everywhere, also rockin the heart on his sleeve, I have Beiber Fever. Don't Judge.

  3. @Laurel: no one would ever judge you on here...well, at least I won't. Hey, he loves purple so I have to like him a little no matter what and I think I will watch that movie just because you recommended it.

  4. UPDATE: I totally watched Never Say Never and enjoyed it. Bieber's music is fabulous. I just have a hard time with all the fanaticism entailed in joining in the whole Bieber Fever stuff. I started following JB on Twitter. Let's see if my purple awesomeness will get him to follow me back :) Now THAT will be something to report back on! I will keep y'all posted...


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