non-Whimsical Wednesday

today marks the beginning of a huge overhaul in my life. i do not know how to deal with all the change and sadness. the one thing that comes to mind when i ponder on what could console me is butterscotch pudding.  strange, i know. obviously there is a story behind it and the story might tip you off to the source of my need for an overhaul, but here it is anyway:

i was fourteen or fifteen and had this boyfriend who i adored and loved and and and... who i think dumped me because of his mom or i felt cheated on because of some girl he kissed on a choir trip or some crazy goofy teenage drama. so anyways, when my now superfriend bestfriend BFF came over, she brought me butterscotch pudding to console me in my sadness and tears. we hid out in my "tree" house while we talked, ate pudding, and I had one of the biggest teenage pity parties on record.

well, i am no longer a teenager and this is no goofball teenage pity party, but a real life  human drama of the highest degree and i must say that i am so grateful that after over twenty years i still can call on my sweet friend to be my shoulder to cry on and that listening ear. i would never have guessed what a priceless treasure of a friendship we would have. it amazes me. every day.

in the midst of all the turmoil, God blesses me with so much--
the light of the gospel, my children, friends, family, everything i need,

and precious memories to buoy me up.

i can almost taste that butterscotch pudding...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we are totally having a pudding party again soon!

    We've come a long way since you flopped your drenched self up on the dock, threw the car keys that had been down in the water moments before, and shouted, "Friendship is not worth THAT much!" I know I'd sure take a dive into the dirty water with all the slimy fishes in the world for you now... ;)


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