stress and my world audience

I had such a strange Saturday. I have been extremely tired all day, even though I took a three hour nap and just don't feel like myself at all. I think it is the stress in my life, but there is only so much I can do about it. When I get stressed, I have been taking time to do some deep breathing, exercise, read scriptures, and writing helps sometimes too. But, my usual stuff isn't really helping me to de-stress as much.

I could really use some simple tips for relaxation. Any body out there in the world have something that works for them? Please share it!

And I am talking to EVERYONE!  I would absolutely adore getting comments from the readers from Germany, the Netherlands, UK, etc. who keep coming back and reading my stuff. I am glad to see there is diversity in my audience!  Please comment. If we need to use a translator to comprehend your post, we will use one. I hope everyone has noticed that I have a translator for the blog too. I want it to be accessible to everyone interested.

So anyways peeps, I would love to get some ideas. in any language.


  1. How I de-stress.... I read a good book that takes me somewhere else! Nothing like history, lectures, auto-biographys, uplifting quotes or thoughts...they don't work for me. It has to be a 100%, completely fictional story or novel. It has to take me away to another place. I read both adult and teen books. For example, right now I am actually reading a series one of my boys is reading. It's called the Rangers Apprentice. It's a series of 10 books! Which might seem like a lot. But I am flying through them!! And after every book, I can't wait to read the next one! As long as it can take me away with a captivating story, the de-stressing works! I hope you find something that works for you!

  2. oops...please excuse the type-o's! It's late. lol

  3. Drifting Downstream: Guided Relaxation for Stress Reduction. It's available for download on Amazon($8.99). I loved it so much I even wrote a review - which I never do - way back in 2005. I've been using it ever since...just used it last week, in fact. You should try it out. I think it might just hit the spot for you.


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