Happiness is Learning New Things

My life as a non-traditional student can be highly stressful at times.
  • Juggling children
  • Getting regular exercise
  • Homework
  • Housework
  • Errands
  • Yardwork
  • Class time
  • Doctor/dentist/etc. appointments
  • Writing
  • Serving at church
  • Going to church
  • Attempting to live a full and happy life
  • And the list goes on...
Homework and class time slip into the mix almost unnoticed. It looks so simple putting all those things into a nice neat list, but it really is NOT. The homework this term has been kicking my rear since my personal life has overrun my student life just about off the dang highway. I must take ownership though--I should have used the emergency pull out lane and taken a couple terms off.

So anyway. My point is that I go to school, but see things quite differently than many students working on their 4-year undergrad degrees due to plain old life.

The other night I was texting my site developer (aka Jules) and she thought I was smart and took the summer off like I said I was going to do. I explained to her how I decided to take a summer course because it would help me get more scholarship money to pay for my Spring class completely, plus my textbooks. I was just chatting it up (well, texting it up) and she sends a text about how whatever I texted was "so so funny" and later on said she laughed so hard she was rolling on the floor...I think literally. So I went back and reread what I sent to her and realized that my simple logic was quite a funny comment and I think you might get a kick out my late night, crazy student philosophy:

I needed to take an online two-credit class to make ends meet for my Spring class...
              total educational prostitution. will learn for money.

It's ok if you don't find it funny. Just don't tell me. It will burst my bubble Jules created.

To get serious about it. I am grateful beyond words to the many contributors to my education. I would not be able to do it without their generosity and confidence that I will make a contribution to society because of their monetary gifts. And I really do love to learn. I am happy when I am learning and being able to apply the newly gained knowledge. It isn't just school learning either. Learning about the blog world and how to get a blog running, noticed, fresh, fun, and fabulous has been a super adventure so far. I am having a lot of fun with this. just in case you couldn't tell.


  1. Sometimes we just have to stop and laugh at ourselves. If we take ourselves too serious, we'll just suck the joy out of life. Here's to an amazing semester and scholarships flooding in!

  2. i heart cheerleaders...especially when I need one. Thanks Donna so much. I feel blessed to have "met" you.


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