the will to love

The poem I have written below was featured on the blog A Disposable Woman, but for those of you who have not seen it yet I place it here for your reading enjoyment:

You love me but you hate me
And it just keeps going round and round
Where does the hate stop and love begin
I need you to show me
Because it all looks the same

Wanting to love
And willing to love
Look different too
One is easy—almost too easy
The other is the test

Do I love or do I hate
Is what I do a mixture as well
Muddied up into bittersweet
I want to love
Yet am I willing

I search my heart
And find it willing
Willing love into being
As far as I can see
You accepting what I have to give


  1. Great poem! Congrats on the feature.

    Btw, I stumbled this! My post: Woodland Wallets

  2. I stumbled your post!

  3. Keep writing. That is a beautiful poem.

    I am a new follower on GFC. I just stumbled this post and would love it if you can stumble my post



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