Half-Birthday Celebration Closing Ceremony

Not sure about all of you, but it was a fun time for me thinking up creative things to do for each of the celebratory days. I wanted the contest to reflect my style and I believe that happened.  Several new people have now discovered my purple niche on the web and hopefully will now become part of the adventure.

Thanks goes out to the donors of the gifts! You truly made the party spectacular!

Simply You Simply Me

And now I am certain you have been waiting patiently to find out who gets the last super gift!

The winner of the Friday Hat drawing is:

The Savvy Sage!!!  Congratulations!

Thanks goes out to everyone who came to play everyday and especially for sharing All Things Purple with your friends and readership. Gobs more people are coming by for a visit because of you. I appreciate the interest, support, and friendship.

Have a super weekend! 

--The Purple Lady

if you haven't already bought one and want a copy of the journal with my romance addiction article, you can find more information for purchasing one here:
Summer 2011


  1. Thank you for you wonderful contest!! It was a lot of fun, and creative. For me it was exciting each day to see what you would do. You are simply amazing :-).
    p.s. I love your blog

  2. This positive feedback has made my day! So glad you had as much fun as I did. AND that you enjoy the blog. I hope you continue to read it, the email subscription method is an easy way to get the posts and then you can stop by for seeing the fab flair I got going on every so often :)


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