Six-Month Anniversary Contest Week

Beginning Monday, September 19th through Friday, September 23rd, I will have a Daily Trivia Contest to celebrate the half birthday of this fabulous blog. I must admit I do not know exactly what I am doing (I certainly hope you have figured that out by now), except that it will be fun, interesting and you will all get a chance to win some unique and fantastic prizes. As part of the Trivia week you will get introduced to the contributors of the prizes. I have searched out some of the most unique businesses and individuals to provide the gifts for my internet party guests, so it will definitely be exciting and different.

Now to lay out the Rules, Regulations, and Expectations for the daily trivia contest:

  1. DO NOT USE SEARCH ENGINES or any other sort of clicking around research techniques for your answers/guesses. I want this to be a good, old-fashioned sort of contest. Give it your best shot. Everyone will be on their honor. I should hope that no small prize is worth forfeiture of a person's integrity.
  2. If you have difficulty posting your answer on my blog, you may leave your answer as a comment under the post for the day on The Purple Lady Facebook fan page.
  3. The Trivia Question for the day will post at 5:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time each day.
  4. The contest will close at 5 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time. 
  5. I will write up to the first 20 names, who give a correct answer, on a piece of paper, fold them individually, place them in a hat, and through pulling a name from a hat method: Monkey #1 will choose the winner on Monday, Monkey #2 will choose for Tuesday, Monkey #3 will choose Wednesday's winner, Monkey #4 will pull a name out of the hat on Thursday, and Friday's name will be pulled from the hat by the first random neighbor kid who crosses my path.
  6. ADDITIONAL WAYS TO GET YOUR NAME IN THE HAT: Become a fan of The Purple Lady on Facebook AND do one of the following: become a Google Friend Connect Follower, a Blog Frog Friend, subscribe by email, or follow me on Twitter. You must notify me that you met the requirement by leaving a comment the same day telling me what you did.
  7. If you are already doing all of the aforementioned things, you can get your name in the drawing for the day if you get one of your friends to meet the requirements for Rule #4. Your friend MUST leave a comment on any post they like (EXCEPT for contest related ones) letting me know who to give credit to for the referral. You may receive one entry per each day through this method, giving you 5 extra chances to win a gift. And one of your friends now has a chance, too.
  8. If you meet the requirements for Rules 4 and/or 5 and make a correct guess in that day's trivia, you will have your name in the daily hat up to two times. On Friday, the amount of times your name will be in the hat will vary due to how many times you entered throughout the week, if you won or not and so forth...
  9. All leftover names from each day that do not win the daily prize will automatically be saved for Friday's drawing.
  10. Keeping in mind that my readership is all over the place and some prizes are region specific to different areas around the USA and not receivable for some individuals. Due to that fact, the gift for Friday will be a download so that no matter what, everyone in the world will have a fair chance to win a party gift. 
  11. AND if there is any stupid, weird law on the books where you live concerning contests, etc.--YOU are responsible for dealing with those laws or issues with gifts won, etc. I am NOT responsible for stuff that you should know about. Do your homework if there might be a problem with your participation. And by participation in this contest, you forfeit any and all rights to bother me with any type of litigation whatsoever, as well as forfeit any and all right to hold me responsible for the laws of your state and/or country.  This contest WILL BE for fun and not ruined by weird stuff. If there is a problem, deal with it without involving me, move on, and get along!
  12. If you do not fully agree to the terms above, please do not participate. Participation infers agreement to all terms listed.
This list is a work in progress and will be edited/added upon even throughout the contest as issues arise. Please check back daily for updates once contest begins.

I am really looking forward to this bit of fun with everyone. Have a great day!

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