My article on romance addiction is officially in PRINT!

Last January, a poem of mine about my autistic daughter was published in the same journal that published this article and I thought I was happy then. Boy, this feels amazing! I can hardly contain myself.

I like writing; it gives me a voice when oral communications fail me. I have been and continue to be astonished at the scope of influence my blog writing has had and I haven't been doing it for long at all. The blog world has been most accepting of me and my special flair for the fabulous and not-so-fabulous. I am humbled by every single comment that tells me how I made a difference through sharing my stories, thoughts, and, well, me.

Now I hope people will buy the journal, read the article (and the several others included in said journal), and it will start making a difference. I have hoped and wished and wanted with all I am to be able to write something worthwhile and touch lives on a grand scale. This might be it or just the beginning of bigger things (hopefully a book!).

ORDER A COPY (or two or three...)
Journals make fantastic Christmas gifts for the avid readers in the family :)

I wrote a blogpost sort of introducing the arrival of my article awhile back. So, if you aren't sure if you would like to buy an entire journal on a wing and a prayer that it will interest you, follow this link and read the prequel: Romance Addiction At Its Best


  1. Laura I am SO happy for you!!!! I can't wait to read it!!!! I know what you mean about writing giving you a voice, I have always felt that writing was my better voice, more thoughtful, clear and concise. Anyways! This is SO exciting!!!!
    Camilla A. (spanish class buddy)

  2. You must be on cloud nine!!! So exciting! I'm so impressed (but not surprised) :)

  3. Camilla and Leigh: I am on top of the world and I didn't even make money off it! This is a dream attained. Thanks for the love.

  4. Terrific news! Publication feels so great, doesn't it?


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