Wednesday Night Drawing WINNER!

Since today was a special trivia day, there was no wrong or right answer except to recognize the goodness we all have within us. I am grateful to all of you who were brave enough to do this exercise in recognizing individual worth with me. So many of the answers were truly insightful and thoughtful and the humorous ones ring just as true to me!  All I want to shout is: Let your light shine!

And now what you all came here to find out:
The winner of the the drawing done by Monkey #3 is... (drumroll)

Cami A.! Congratulations! I know you will thoroughly enjoy the cake by Darcy.

We do not have a prize for Most Humorously Honest Answer (if humorously is even a word!), but that honorable distinction goes to Shannon J. Part of her answer for why she is important was:

without me, my husband would starve and my children would be forced to wear dirty clothes every day. ;)
I'm sorry, but that just made my day! Hilarious, yet oh so true for many, many families!

and don't forget--
Invite friends to the party peeps!
There are only two days left of this amazingly fabulous fun!
And all the other names will now go into the Friday Hat!

related link:
Half-Birthday Celebration: Day 3

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