The Best Pumpkin Cookie Recipe Yet Written

photography by Shannon J.

Autumn is a fabulous time to bake up some yummy, warm pumpkin cookies and that is precisely why I share this particular recipe with you now. Well, and a certain sister-in-law has been reminding me to give it to her for months now so her husband (one of my brothers) will stop bugging her to make them and they can enjoy eternal marital bliss once again...

So anyways--
My mom did not need any particular season or holiday to get her in the mood for these scrumptious delights. She continually kept on hand around 10-20 cans of pumpkin. And mind you, they were not the small cans. They had to be the chunky double-can sized cans because it was "cheaper that way". 

(Honestly, I think she just wanted to make sure she could make those cookies even if World War III broke out.)

Mom would have piles of the cake-like cookies steaming on her two large cooling racks, on the light country blue counter, making the house smell delicious

Whenever I bake these cookies, I think of home-- my mother's home she created for me, for my brothers, for all the many cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, and strangers she and my father welcomed through their door. How can cookies mean so much? I don't really know, but that smell and flavor bring it all to the surface and I am standing next to her, watching her mixing the batter with her large wooden spoon, which also doubled as a bottom-whooper, and waiting for that first batch to get out of the oven. 
So for your Autumn, Thanksgiving, November, and ANY TIME pumpkin-craving enjoyment, 
I present to you:

Debby's Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
4 c. flour 
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
2 tsp. baking soda
2 cups canned pumpkin
2 eggs

Cream sugar and butter until light and fluffy. Add eggs and mix well. Add pumpkin and mix well. Add all dry ingredients and mix well. Add chocolate chips and mix well. Drop by spoonfuls 2-3 inches apart onto ungreased baking sheet. Bake at 375F for 12-14 minutes. To check if done, touch top of cookie like a cake. If it springs back, it is done. 

related link:

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! My Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Craving that has been nagging at me for yea these past 3 weeks has FINALLY been satisfied and this recipe is my new favorite! The only minor modification I made was in the chocolate chips. I'm a lover of Milk Chocolate Chips, so that is what I use in my cookies. And these cookies are magnificent with Milk Chocolate Chips, as I'm sure they are delectable with semi-sweets. Thank you Purple Lady, for sharing this deliciousness with the world. My tastebuds are forever indebted to you. Love you.


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