I {heart} Music

From a very young age, the love of music was instilled in my heart. I like to sing; listening to music is part of daily life around my house; I enjoy watching movie musicals; going to live musical theater makes my heart sing. With these facts about myself made known, I am impressed to include music on my blog. I have heard, from time to time, that some people do not like blogs with music players on them. But, I know music is an essential layer of my blog. My hope is that as I very carefully choose the songs that play on here, my readership will come to know me better and will be able to accept the entire package found on All Things Purple: the blog. Or, at the very least, not get bothered.

As we prepare for a fresh new year, I have curated yet another set of musical selections for the All Things Purple community to enjoy. And as always, suggestions for new or possibly new to me songs/artists are very welcome.

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