a new writing adventure!

In my educational adventures this semester, I am taking a teaching course on composition (yes, I know that sounds amazingly fun, doesn't it?) and was introduced to the Two Writing Teachers blog. I wasn't required to go in and dig around this fabulous blog, but I must say I had a great time doing so.  The authors, Ruth and Stacey, feature something called The Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC) every Tuesday and I am ready to begin participating!

While reading about what is entailed in a Slice of Life Story (SOLS), I realized that I write slices of life all the time. Due to this fact, the challenge will not be that big of a challenge. The challenge for me will be to do it consciously on Tuesdays and remembering to post links on my class wiki and the current SOLSC post. I want my participation in the challenge to help me find some focus in my writing, as well as help me get a good grade in my class.

The really exciting part about discovering the SOLSC is that they do a big event every March! Write a SOLS every day, post a link to their blog, and get entered into drawings for books and such. It's pretty much that simple, but if you want to know more, follow the link above to their blog.

Speaking of March, I have decided to participate in their festivities as part of my blog's one-year anniversary. It is hard for me to believe I embarked on this fabulous blog adventure nearly one year ago already. The people I have connected with, the people I have actually met, the things I have learned, and the things I have written, all, astound me and make my life so richly blessed. Who could have imagined where writing a blog would take me? I can't think of a better way to celebrate than to write, write, write. So, come March I will be writing daily and hopefully sharing with you some of the very best writing this purple-loving lady can write.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome - like you, discovering TWT and their blog was a wonderful addition to my blogging adventure. I look forward to reading more from you.


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