Tell YOUR Tale in Six Words

My Six Words

I needed to write a six word memoir for my composition course, so I followed this youtube link: Six Word Memoirs by Teens to see just how it's done and got {INSPIRED}. The creative possibilities are truly endless in this genre.

Please note the credits: Smith Magazine is where teens ages 13-19 can write their memoir and possibly get it published. What a great way to get young adults thinking and writing! I just love it.

I loved it so much that I extended the possibilities to my friends, family, and new acquaintances by asking them to write their six word story:

fabulous cupcakes come in all sizes.
Remind me to take my medication...
Nerdy to the power of awesome.
I could not pick just one :)
-- Jessica

Live, laugh, learn, and love life. -- David H.

eternal, trials, surprising, fulfilling,
forgiveness, mature. -- Brittany

Delightfully eccentric, INSANELY brilliant, computer janitor. -- Tim 

A blessed life full of love! -- Liz

ticklish, laughing, Toy Story loving chica -- Lauren

book reading, music loving, turtle collecting -- Sarah

Doubt and fear overcome by faith -- Kelli

busy, gratifying, self-disciplined, gluten-free, exciting, full
-- Julie

Living the dream, day by day. -- Melissa 

Well, it's been a long life. -- Kelli, Melissa's sister (at age 6)

The kind-hearted snark from Las Vegas -- Bryson

Rain-loving, music-listening, star-gazing, 
small town girl -- Elyse 

Taking it day-by-day, every day, with optimism. -- Elise

Music, marketing, management, money, 
Matt Miller -- Matt Miller 

Cautiously learning to grow in love. -- Katelyn   

If you fit the age requirement for The Smith Magazine, PLEASE follow the link above and join in with them. 

and if you do NOT fit the age requirement (older than 19), please join the All Things Purple community by adding your tale in just six words via COMMENTS. 


  1. Just trying to survive everyday happily!
    ps sorry I didnt get this to you yesterday I worked late.

  2. LOVE it!!!

    p.s. sorry I didn't text you back. I'm a crazy little maniac these days. We WILL hang out soon!

  3. Dreaming of Chocolate, dipped in chocolate. ;)


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