WANTED: Awareness, Respect, Acceptance

As a parent of an individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), I must admit how much I have grown from the life lessons dished out over the years. I know, without any doubt, I am a stronger person due to the challenges overcome, knowledge gained, and heartaches endured. ASD plays a large part in shaping my perspective due to the frustrations caused by this complicated intellectual disability.

The following photographic essay touches on one of the tenderest spots for me and most people who deal with autism, in any of its forms. The project has been geared toward school-aged teens, but is quite appropriate for any age group's viewing enjoyment.

Many thanks goes to the son of @Asperger_Mom, @SarahMPottratz, @1863_Project, @byronNME, and @AutismMumma for sharing their thoughts so freely and providing me with fuel for my inspiration.

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I ask for your help in spreading this vital message.
Please share it with everyone you know, so we will create positive change--today--in the world around us.

*For best viewing, choose full screen mode and don't forget to pause music player at the bottom end of the blog before hitting play*


  1. I loved your photographic essay and think it would be a great asset to show peer tutors, classroom volunteers or even faculty in a school wide faculty meeting. -- E. Hyatt (comment on FB)

  2. What a nice essay! The photos and background music were both excellent. Like the above comment, I think this would be a good way to spark discussion about autism in a school or family setting.


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