What Just Happened?

That slice of cake was on FIYAH!
Last week something unique and interesting happened on Twitter. A couple of friends made up their minds that another of their friends needed to be celebrated because they missed hanging out with him. Now, I'm not talking about just any old 2-hour-long small gesture of a party type thing. These tweetie pies decided to declare a week-long Twitter holiday and hashtagged it #DaveWeek. It wouldn't be that big of a deal, except several other people became intrigued by the idea and joined in the festivities-- me included. Some of the events included dinners, a dessert rendezvous at @TheChoco, bowling, a Dave Rave, rumors of blood and bruises due to a Broom Hockey activity, and the favorite event of the entire week: going to the Utah Jazz game and all the excitement that came about from that excursion.  When asked what was the most unexpected thing about #DaveWeek, David replied,
I'm not often surprised, but this week I began to expect a new surprise around every turn, and I wasn't disappointed.
-- @downrightdave The Original Dave of #DaveWeek
A super fun aspect of #DaveWeek was when it got trending in Salt Lake City on Twitter twice due to the contributions of many fans (it actually made it to the number one spot that Monday). @plaidspolitics, @nitrojoy, and I had a little more fun than most running with it, I must say. I was even able to get the infamous David Jackson of the Nottingham Rugby team (@JackoNR) to join the celebration. He is a Dave and a super good sport, so it didn't take much encouragement. Essentially, #DaveWeek turned into a global excuse to tweet off the wall stuff and get together with old and new friends every single day, for a week.

#DaveWeek: where all your dreams come true

The reason I write about this event is because I want to savor this slice of life and how it showed me a good example of the simplicity in celebrating those we care about. We don't have to wait for a birthday or any prescribed holiday. If we see a need to show someone they are special and loved, we can just make up a reason, put a plan into action, and wahlah! You have yourself a celebration of epic proportions.

Celebrating life is a key ingredient to any heart healing process, and #DaveWeek was a celebration on hyper drive (Twitter-fueled) helping me to make several new acquaintances in an extremely short period of time. #DaveWeek reminded me that I am an adventurous, fun-loving individual who knows how to make friends and be a good friend in return. My best friend encourages me to understand these things about myself, but there's nothing as solidifying of the facts as near-complete strangers wanting to invite and join in with you just for the fun of it. 

photo credits: E. Hawks @starmile83

Thanks goes out to the creators of #DaveWeek: @lauremonoto and @starmile83. 
You two are simply amazing friends. I hope to get to know you better.


  1. Thank you for your contributions to #DaveWeek!

  2. I am sure Dave felt loved. I agree that celebrating life, not just on the 'ordained' days is important. You showed us a way it can be taken to a fun extreme.

  3. This reminded me of my aunt's birthday "month." Awesome idea to make someone feel special!

  4. Great idea!
    What a way to make people feel special

  5. I think it might just trend...in real life :)


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