celebrating the good

I wasn't sure if I should start writing on here again just yet, but I got into a downward spiral of sadness this afternoon and want to snap out of it. So, I am sharing the highlights of this Valentine's Day to remind me how blessed I am and attempt breaking out of the darkness I have allowed myself to enter into...

This was made by yours truly, at the end of January, with the help of my ever-patient sister-in-law. It was part of our table decorations at our annual Family Valentine's Day Dinner.

These lovely flowers were arranged by my sweetie autistic girl. Her peer tutor wrote in her daily notebook that she did it all by herself. I am so grateful for good teachers who come up with thoughtful and enriching activities for my girl to do. When she got off the bus with the flowers, she was so excited to give them to me that she practically shoved them into my hands!

One of our little neighbor friends wanted to give us valentines. I think his mom (one of my dear friends) gave him the idea, at least partly. It was so nice of him to address each one individually and to include me in his generosity. I must say the bucket was my favorite part of the gift.

The cookies are homemade deliciousness made by my friend whose son gave us the bucket of valentine treats. I must admit to eating way too many of them.

There were other Valentine cookies delivered last night by some other friends, but I did not think to take a snapshot prior to allowing the monkeys to eat them up. We really appreciated the surprise and thoughtfulness.

Today was hard for me to get through, and not just because of it being Valentine's Day. Life is overcrowded with burdensome issues for me right now. This holiday just brought it all into focus. It was a challenge to put together our special family dinner, but I did it. And I need to celebrate that I could do it, that I had nice food to serve my children, that I have so many friends loving and supporting me, and that my children love me so immeasurably.

To everyone who has offered their friendship to me over the past few weeks, I say thank you. With all my heart.

I  hope everyone had a lovely day.

related links:

Without Them Life Would Be Miserable 

Showing Love Makes a Difference


  1. Oh how bravely you face the hard things! Keep up and don't ever say that it is not worthy...it lifts the heart to know that hard days can be overcome. Hold on to those little things that bring you back up - even a tiny bit.
    -Rebecca D.

  2. I love that the heart-shaped cookies were frosted in purple. Hehe. Your friends totally know you...and that is fabulous! ;)U

  3. Your efforts to turn your spirit around by writing are appreciated. I found myself in a bit of the same boat this past weekend and was surprised at how much turning to a creative outlet helped.

    1. Lately I can't tell which end is up, but it felt good to reach out through writing. Glad to hear it helped you as well!

  4. Your words were heartfelt. I could feel both your sadness and your appreciation. I loved the part about your sweet girl shoving those flowers in your hands. What a lovely moment. :)


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