Seeking to Become - February 2012

Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.

Jeremiah 31: 3

As January passed, I worked to see when I could exercise my faith (see Seeking to Become - January 2012) and I saw it's impact. I have had major difficulties with vehicles, school, and family life that could have turned out decidedly more problematic than their potential if I had not been really trying to listen to the spirit and make choices with that guidance. I tried to focus on a theme of Be Faithful Not Fearful and I have been blessed in many ways.

One of the blessings has been seeing how beloved I am by so many people. I have struggled quite a lot with feeling rejected and near-friendless. I have had to embrace the possibility that I may not ever be in a deeply-caring, committed relationship again, ever. All of this said, I look to the future with hope and a knowledge that the Savior suffered for my sins as well as my heartaches. I want to be truly cherished and cared for by a loving spouse, but I also need to remember that all  my happiness must not hang on that one aspect of this highly complex life we all live.

As February ensues, the depth of some of my problems will become unbearable if I don't remember how loved I am—by friends, family, my God, and Savior.

My hope is that you might join me in focusing on seeing the love of the Savior in each day, no matter what other things might be going on in the background (or foreground). Let us all focus on recognizing our individual worth in the sight of our beloved Creator and see how he draws each of us nigh unto him, if we will allow him to do so.

Related Link:
Introducing: Seeking to Become


  1. Your blog posts and stories continually inspire people, and even though , at times , you feel that is not enough, always remember that you have helped at least one person to look at the world differently.

    The right person will come at the right time. That person who will see how beautiful you really are, inside and out.

    Have a blessed day.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words. I appreciate the expression of them very much.


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