A Lovely Slice of Edenbrooke, Please

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I have this friend and her name is Julie—well, for your purposes her name is Julianne Donaldson—but I will just call her Julie for now. So anyways, Julie and I went to high school together. We were in some of the same classes, including English and Mixed Choir (that I recall). We weren't best of friends but friends of the moment.

This girl was so funny. Just a plain sweet person that everyone liked. I always wished I could be as mild-mannered as she appeared to be. One day in choir there were some people bothering Julie and another friend, and I don't remember the details, although what I do remember is getting up and telling the instigators off in order to get them to leave these nice girls alone. I knew Julie and Mandy were my true friends when they wrote me a thank you note. I had always felt like my in-your-face kind of attitude was good for nothing and they offered gratitude for it! I might have forgotten details of the event, even what I said, but I will never forget the moment when I felt valued by a girl I wanted to be like.

Now to bring us to today. Julie and I reconnected on Facebook of all places. Talk, talk, talked about getting together. Commented on photos. Liked statuses. You know--we did the Facebook catch up. Then she wrote a really cute book about broken hearts (you'll have to ask me later about that one), and of course she invited me to her book launch party. My BFF drove up for a whirlwind visit so we could go to our friend's special night. Julie and I worked together on a special event for that little book. Moments to remember.

Then, she wrote Edenbrooke. (click on title to watch the book trailer)

Now to bring us to the review. Knowing how I personally know Julianne Donaldson, I want to reassure you that I forewarned Madame Julianne of my determination to give an honest review--regardless of the outcome. Knowing her mild manners, I am also quite determined she was afraid of what might come out of my mouth if I didn't like it. 

But never fear, this book is so fabulous I would be a simpleton not to give it the highest of praise. 

What I liked most:

The story starts off ordinary, and THEN! She twists the plot--twirling the reader--in a fresh new direction, moving away from anything that could be anticipated. Marianne Daventry might live an insipid life when the novel begins, but the author remedies the situation before getting out of the first chapter.

Also, I adore how the author deals with the all essential love triangle found in any good romance novel.  It is different, even innovative, and this is to be celebrated. I believe the handling of this part of the craft is what makes Edenbrooke truly unique and one of the most well-written books of this genre I have read.

What I would change if I could:

There were these bits about looking through lashes and I couldn't picture it.
I think it's me though, so just don't mind me.

My favorite short quote:
I found that I would infinitely prefer the real gem to the imposter.
— Marianne Daventry
My favorite long quote:
Philip was looking at me from across the dim room with that condemning letter in his hand, and he wasn't moving or saying a word. We both stood there, as if on the brink of a cliff, and I didn't know if I moved if I would fall to hell or soar to heaven.
 — Marianne Daventry

How this book review is a slice of life for me:

I love books. I love my friends. I love authors who write really good books. And I have all of these factors in play in this moment, thus bringing some much needed excitement and gladness into my life. I have enjoyed reading Edenbrooke and I know you will too.

Please note:

All Things Purple is hosting a lovely giveaway of two Advance Reader Copies of Edenbrooke,
 so please join the fun and enter to win one!

Hits shelves March 27th!

Pre-order a copy (or two) now:

Purchase Edenbrooke from Shadow Mountain

Purchase Edenbrooke on DeseretBook.com

Purchase Edenbrooke on Amazon.com

Or find your own link, but don't tell me I didn't try to help you out ;)

I was given one Edenbrooke ARC for myself and two copies for the giveaway.


  1. First, let me say I love purple too. The book sounds interesting. I will be adding it to my list of books.

  2. I've been reading all the reviews with anticipation for the book. Can't wait to read it :)

  3. First of all, thank you for your kind comments. I have appreciated them. I had often tried to comment and my lack of twitter knowledge, I would get lost. NOW I know though and will be commenting more often. I hope you enjoyed SOLC.
    This book sounds wonderful. I love how you have that high school memory and the validation it gave you. It is also wonderful that you became reacquainted. Thanks for sharing this story. I hope you will continue to post on Tuesdays.


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