No Shirt No Shoes No Sanity

(or another ADHD morning)

We wake up and get moving. Then, we lay back down and wish mom hadn't woke us up. Then, mom tells us gently that we really need to get up. She then proceeds to remind us how she would like to have our mornings go differently. better. to actually do something more than just get dressed and run out the door like a frazzled mess. So, we get up. Well, until we see her turn her back and start helping others to begin their ridiculous chain of events which typically result in getting to school in a loud and disorganized manner. Then, she begins to raise her voice. This is the point when we feign remorse and begin to make ourselves peel away the bed covers in order to finally show real effort. At this point, time has slipped most judiciously away, and we know it. This knowing does nothing more than get us disappointed in ourselves, but we do not know what exactly to do with that disappointment because we are at a point where we still can't find the shirt we wanted to wear because it magically, through the night, crawled underneath a pile of other shirts which look perfectly clean and would go quite nicely with the jeans we are wearing (mom loudly interjects) but we always really just need to wear the one we can never find because the hunt feeds our need for adventure and fun and...

Now where are my shoes?


Where are my shoes!?!

Probably where you left them. Did you even check?


Get your shoes on faster.

I am going to miss my bus!!!

(very quietly under her breath) Good grief.

Related Links:

Slice of Life Story Challenge

The Drama of Life

Simple Yet Very True Advice


  1. Love it! Your point of view choice is perfect.

  2. Congratulations!!! You have a perfect Slice of Life!!! Keep 'er going!!! Love the music as well. You inspire me!!

  3. This reminds me of the morning I spent madly digging through a laundry basket with your 2 youngest children, trying to get them out the door on time. Little elusive socks...

  4. I'm a sucker for captured conversation...and yours packs a punch!

    1. Thank you, everyone, for such positive feedback!

  5. Exactly...loved "feign remorse"

  6. My empty nest remembers mornings like these. I try to keep those mornings in mind when my students come in still under the influence of their manic morning! Well done!

  7. Very reminiscent of many mornings of my past. Hang in there, mom! They eventually find their shoes. I think you really captured the inner voice of your kids.

  8. Being a little ADD myself, I had to turn the music off, but it was appropriate to the writing! Nice slice, but all too familiar!


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