Seeking to Become - May 2012

And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while [Jesus] talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?
Luke 24:32

With May upon us, I look ahead in an attempt to set a positive tone that has been lacking in my heart. I profess faith, yet I have given despair a comfortable place within me lately. I try to reflect on my blessings, remember the monthly Seeking to Become challenge I set for myself, pray, and more. Even with all of these efforts, I seem to get overwhelmed easily nowadays. Life is such a challenge for many of us. Health problems, lack of sufficient employment, relationship difficulties, and the list goes on of excuses for giving up which we could embrace; however, we must not.

The Savior of the World is not physically walking or talking with us right now, although we have the ability to invite his holy spirit to commune with us by reading the scriptures. He can abide with us in our darkest of nights as well as rejoice in our earthly triumphs. This month, please join me in searching the scriptures more diligently for answers that we may have our hearts burn within us and partake of his loving atonement.

Additionally, I would like to share with you a hymn which gives me comfort--reminding me to call upon his holy name for peace and comfort.

For best enjoyment, please remember to pause the music player located near the bottom of this site prior to playing the video.

Related Link:

Seeking to Become 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your thoughtful and insightful post. And I love that hymn too


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