Miracles and Friends: a beautiful combination

Last week, a small miracle occurred. It might not seem like it to anyone else, but I count it as one.

This miracle came on one of the worst days. Well, actually. I have had several worst days all in a row for like several weeks (maybe even months), but anyways. I got home from school and running errands and had more things to check off my wish-I-didn't-have-to-do-this-garbage list. I had been expecting a few important emails, so I went to my lovely, jam-packed full of emails inbox and scanned for the senders/subject lines I needed and none of those were in there. But--

One of my dearest friends and confidantes in all of the history of me had friend-requested me on Facebook. I could not believe my eyes. Set aside the cliche. I really couldn't. I opened the email. I read the email. I sat back in disbelief and clicked the link. And it was real. Holy cow! It was real!! My heart was overwhelmed and gladdened all at the same time. I actually shed a few happy tears. And yes, I feel a bit embarrassed about that part, but oh well. It happened.

This might sound ridiculous seeing as this person was just deemed one of my dearest friends and confidantes...blah blah blah, but what you don't know is we have not had even one interaction in about a decade and haven't seen each other (on happy terms) in seventeen years, just to be almost precise to the day. Not to mention how I was hideously inexcusable, beyond what an enemy would do rude to this beloved friend seventeen years ago, and subsequently ten years ago as well.

And my friend still wants to be my friend.

See? It's a miracle. And a bless-ed, most unexpected surprise of a miracle at that.

What's even more fantastic is the second miracle that occurred when I freaked out yesterday and my friend didn't run away or block me, but took some time to help me realize that this friendship isn't going anywhere except into the history books for being one of the most unbelievably awesome friendships of all time (only second to the one with my BFF, bestie, superfriend, etc. Melissa).

Two miracles in one week. What more could a girl ask for?


  1. Real friends are behind you and supporting you even when they do not speak.

    1. I believe you are right. At every turn, I seem to have someone waiting in the wings to help me along this road. :)

  2. Wonderful. So happy that you've been able to reconnect with someone so important to your life. happy days!

  3. Good thing you mentioned me...I was starting feel supplanted. ;)

    1. There is no way in this life or the next that I could forget what you've been to me. That's why I have to layer on every single name I can possible find or make up to describe you. It sets you apart from any other friend.

  4. As much as I have been pulled kicking and screaming on to Facebook - clicking to reconnect with friends is a wonderful thing.

  5. Good for you! I shared a similar situation with a friend long before the technologies of today . . . instead I had to face her with my desire to remain friends...and some 30 years later she is still one of my BFF's! Miracles or just the universe getting it straight???

  6. I wish this would happen to me. How wonderful for you :)

  7. How lovely! What a wonderful blessing!


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