The Purple Lady Bracelet!

I am pleased to share with you the latest fabulousness by Belandaria Designs: The Purple Lady bracelet.

Our collaboration consisted of me explaining that I want a piece of uniquely amazing purple jewelry that surprises. No other specifications. So when I received the package in the mail, I could hardly stand fighting with the tape in order to get the box open. The anticipation was killing me--and for good reason. This little lovely has so much sparkling detail I could hardly wait to put it on.

photograph generously provided by Laurel Elizabeth Photography

My ultra-talented artisan jewelry creating friend, Suzanne is the genius behind this gorgeous accessory.

This brings me to the favor I have to ask of  you. She would like to be considered for a small business grant, and since she is working day by day to live the American dream I want to help her as much as I can. If you like the work you see before you, please go to Mission: Small Business; follow the links; type in Belandaria of California; and VOTE! She only needs 250 votes to be in the running for a grant and so let's make this thing happen.

I thank you, most graciously, in advance for taking a bit of your precious time. 

And, as always, you may find her custom wares in the Belandaria Designs Etsy Shop
If you would like to order a bracelet as shown above, please contact Suzanne and ask for The Purple Lady Bracelet.

Related Links:

Suzanne, Jewelry, and The Cure

Belandaria Designs Meets The Purple Lady

I received the original bracelet in exchange for writing this post.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely bracelet, and so lovely it is named after you


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