Found Words

I say things, at times, when I should not say them.
Words come out all tangled—quite the little gems.
Conversations gone so very wrong and wild.
Roughly lovely intrigue upon which was smiled.
Confusing contradictions have this way of attracting
A flurry of fierce interjections that are perplexing.

How does one comprehend incomprehensible
imaginations of an impossible love?
Gifted kindness casts out every thought of judgment,
creating piqued infatuation that's enough.
Enough to drive all lovers clear out of their heads.
Enough to force any cougar out of the den.

Thinking along lines of lunacy,
sweet threats in friendship found
a way into those words you see.

There is neither rhyme nor a reason
when I pause to think on all of it,
lost in deficits of cohesion.

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