caught in a dream

Through the line, there is a voice
A voice this heart has known before
And it skips a beat never to recover
To hear you speak my name is unbelievable
Although there are people around I hear no noise
I am in awe. I am in a bubble.
You talk of happy things
Of life and goals and dreams
It takes some time for me to see
You are no fantasy
But a dear friend who cares
Someone with whom I may share
My life and goals and dreams
And not be afraid any longer
To be the person that I am
A writing, thinking, loving,
adventuresome soul living
A life stuffed with all the passion I can
Get away with and still be on the ground
You listen with generous compassion
With an inexhaustible kindness
With everything a friend ought to be
A memory keeper giving not to take

Our time thus far has been a dream
From which I never wish to wake

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