Half-Birthday Bash: Take Two - Day 4

It's hard to believe the party is nearly over. I have had a great time thus far with making some new connections, reading your comments, and realizing how loved I am by the people who have contributed their products or services to help celebrate my purpleness. Sometimes this purple stuff is so out there that I have to smile at my audacious approach to blogging. It can be cookie cutter some days, and, well, other days it so way is not.  

Ok now, onto the gift! A couple of weeks ago, I said I'd give you a giveaway for doTERRA essential oils, and I'm here to make good on that promise today. Many thanks goes to Jimmy and Angela Atkin of doTERRA Essential Oils for making this fabulous gift possible.

Please take a minute to read my review Fabulous: Essential Oils and then take a crack at winning a Trio-pack containing one of each lavender, lemon, and peppermint oils.

* The doTERRA giveaway is open to anywhere in the world it's legal to participate *

Go enter the other party giveaways:

DAY ONE: free professional photography session

DAY TWO: tag templates

DAY THREE: book and/or gourmet cupcakes


  1. These oils are amazing. I would love to win some.

  2. I like Upon The Day Twins Were Separated!

  3. Ode to Pain is one that I really like. Not because of the pain ou were obviously experiencing, but because of how beautifully that pain was expressed. So - well, poetic. ;)

    All of your poems are so beautiful though. You have such a way with words. <3

  4. I haven't read your poems, but I'm excited to start!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I would have to say that 'Missing' is one poem that really resonates with me - it speaks to what I felt after my second marriage went kaboom all over my self-esteem, confidence, and (misguided) sense of security.

  7. I think your poem Missing was very poignant. I am new to your blog and didn't know what you were experiencing but I could feel it in the words of your poem.

  8. Basking. I love it. It reminds me of the day I married Adam. :)

  9. I won?!? I'm so excited! Thank you! Do I need to do something to have them sent to me?

  10. Torri- I sent an email to the one listed on your rafflecopter entry confirming you as a winner. Let me know if you didn't get it.

  11. I can't find an email--I even checked my spam folder! I hope I didn't mistype my email on rafflecopter but I'm not sure how to check. It's torrimahoney at gmail dot com
    Thanks again--sorry to be a problem!

    1. I just emailed you again. It will be from iheartpurplestuff at yahoo dot com. Let me know when you get the email so I can stop worrying!


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