keeping on keeping on

Why is this life business so tricky? Is it just me? Some days, like today, I think it is just me. I want to swear and kick something, but I don't because I want to stop swearing and sound like the educated person that I am. And let's face it-- kicking something only hurts your foot, breaks the thing that was kicked, or both.

Instead of doing the aforementioned cathartic experience, I will just keep on keeping on.


  1. It's not just you. I understand completely! Yesterday I "lost it" but today will just keep on keeping on. Thank you!

    1. What was up with yesterday? Something in the air, maybe. :)

  2. When my son was in counseling, he was encouraged to find safe ways to physically let off steam. Get a blow up bat and beat the crap out of your bed or have a pillow fight with your wall. I have a friend who said when she gets to the end of her rope, she goes for a drive and just lets herself scream at the top of her lungs (no words, just screaming). Anything is better than holding it in. If you just "keep on keeping on," you're going to blow! You feel the build-up, allow yourself release it safely and under your control.

    1. As soon as I can, I really want to get a punching bag and some gloves. I think it will provide me with inspirational moments.


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