i {heart} bicycles

Today must be conquer the bike day.

As I was walking from the parking lot to my first class, I heard someone speak and so, naturally, I turned my head to see who/where it came from. There was a cyclist right up on me. So anyways, I guess I move defensively when caught off guard. The girl and the bike ended up going into the bushes. I felt badly and apologized, telling her how grateful I am there were bushes there for her to land in instead of hitting the pavement. I mean, what else could I say? I really was thankful I didn't knock her into the fence or worse--cause her to crash into the pavement.

The cyclist got her bearings and rode past the person in front of me. Once out of sight, the other pedestrian turned and said Wow! Now you know you can hold your own against a bike! I didn't think about how I could have been injured if I hadn't moved so defensively. I ended up standing my ground instead of getting run down. Just call me The Purple Ninja.

My next adventure with bikes has to do with my Indoor Cycling (aka Spin) class. I don't know if I've told you yet or not, but I really thought I might die from bike-itis when I first began this adventure called Spin class. I thought if I could ride a bike I can do Spin. No. It does NOT work like that. Spin does something worse than just riding a bike--you add a very bossy (I mean lovely and encouraging) instructor telling you to make your muscles burn and to push it up a notch when your legs feel like the muscles might start detaching from the bone.  And I am not exaggerating. I could not walk for two days without wanting to cry after my first time going.

With all that said, my pace has had to be a notch slower and lower than the rest of the class. For example, instead of breaking my legs by standing and riding a bike for two or three minutes at a time, I would stand for thirty seconds and sit for thirty seconds (or longer) and so on. However, today I decided to see how far I could push myself in order to measure my progress since it has been a month from when I  began this exercise in self-torture. And I am happy to report that I, whose legs were not made for standing up while riding a bicycle, made it through several 2 and 3-minute long standing intervals with only one 15-second break during a 40-minute workout. I am astonished at this feat of nature I have performed.

Now that I am a bike conquering ninja, I think I might be able to face pretty much anything. 

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