Ramblings On Writing

I allow myself to write the dream or nightmare versions of my reality, whichever more aptly reflects my own perception. I believe there are many truths and that they come to us in layers we experience as we are able to handle them. Whether in the depths of sadness or the heights of happiness, I let myself feel everything I ever could in a situation even if I cannot act on it. I'm not sure how mentally healthy this practice is but I find my words this way. This happens often while writing poetry; however, you must know there is always an element of truth in the words I let slip past my pen. Not necessarily factual truth, but wishful, hopeful, or fantastical notions of truth--what could be if that reality were reality. 

Every once in awhile I wonder if the words I write hurt or help those with whom they converse. Do my words get good thinking going or do people just become ponderous and depressed? Most of what I receive is positive praise, yet I am left wondering--who came, read, and walked away with displeasure but didn't want to take the time to say anything? Now that is just overthinking things. I really must stop doing that. 

So anyways. It means the world to me that what I write has found a vehicle in which to explore the world and for the world to come for a visit. 

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