Thirty Days of Gratitude: Cousins

I have a gob of cousins. I'm telling you, it's like close to a hundred if you count my cousins' children that I actually see from time to time. It could even be over a hundred for all I know.

But anyways. I have this one cousin who started a blog and he writes in fragmented, dramatic ways and puts real, raw stuff out there for everyone to read. While reading his blog a few weeks ago, I listened to one of the songs he embedded for a post and it was amazing. Amazingly loud. Amazingly purple. Amazingly gorgeous in a loud purple love sort of way.

It made me think about how enriched my life is because I am acquainted with a great deal of my extended family and, I guess, because there are so many of them. I want to express my love for all of my cousins. Throughout my life, I have had cousins making a difference at every turn. You are all so wonderful.

For more information on how to participate in Thirty Days of Gratitude, click here.



  2. Sorry that i missed a few days but im here now(lol). Now let's talk about family. I have 7 brothers and 4 sisters. Although, one of my brothers was murdered in 99" he will forever be our brother! We miss you Carlos! I have so many nieces and nephews and great nieces and great nephews that God has blessed me with. There's no shortage of birthday parties, graduations, get togethers. Let's not forget the Holidays...the best part of my extremely large family is the LOVE that we each have for one another. Plus, the value of respect for one another is tremendous. The young ones respect their elders one hundred percent. There's no compromising when it comes to respect. My Mother is the Queen. My Father is the King. That's how it is and that how it's always going to be!

    P.S. I really do believe that some of us on Twitter have become a little Twitter family. My heart skips a beat just thinking about it and i am TRULY grateful. God Bless EVERYONE! BESOS! @justrrrs


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