Thirty Days of Gratitude: Food

As I walked through the grocery store, I was thinking about how much food was in the place. There was a shortage of eggs in the refrigerated section, but only because of the Thanksgiving holiday coming up in a couple of days. In my life, I have always had more than enough food to eat even when times were tough for my parents and now for myself. I do not know true want in this respect. For the food I have on my table each day and for the ever-present abundance, I give thanks. How I show my gratitude is in doing my best not to waste food and not be wasteful with my means concerning food. When possible, I also give of my means to others in order to provide some relief.

Let us all stop to think of ways we can help others who might be struggling to keep or get any food on their table that we might make gratitude an action word.


  1. I think that is a great perspective. I too feel much gratitude of the abundance I have been blessed with. I too try not to waste and to give to others that might be in need.

  2. Being in a situation where I can barely afford what I need has given me an appreciation for food that I've never had before. Some days, I literally drive home from the grocery store teary-eyed because I am so full of gratitude for the ability to feed my family an abundance of healthy, fresh, clean food.

  3. Temples:


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