Thirty Days of Gratitude: Music

From a young age, even before I can remember, my parents filled my world with music. There are photos of me standing on the brick fireplace with a magazine in hand pretending to lead music. I sang in church and school choirs, and I played piano for a few years and flute for junior high and high school. Add in all the 8-tracks, cassette tapes, records, and CDs that brought popular (and not so popular) music into my universe, and you can see how music-immersed life was for me . I fell in love with Elvis, The Beatles, and The Mamas and The Papas before I knew how I had been sheltered. Then-- enter Tiffany, Depeche Mode, The Pet Shop Boys, and the naughtylicious likes of The Beastie Boys and Sir Mix-a-lot (I think my mom wished she never bought a CD player once some of that stuff came onto the scene.)

I love music so much. My life would not be the same without it. I give thanks to all song writers, composers old and new, and performers of good music.  ABBA's 'Thank You For The Music' expresses my sentiments perfectly.

You make life beautiful by sharing your talents.

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  1. Home

  2. I am grateful for music, too! I just started toying around with my harmonica again. Love that I can carry it in my pocket and bust out a tune while water boils or cookies bake. So I guess I'm grateful for my harmonica!

    1. That is awesome to be able to play harmonica! Thank you for sharing your gratitude thought for today on here. It's always lovely to have some company.

  3. Music, is by far the best way to find some comfort when your feeling down. It's not only when your feeling down because it can pretty much cover EVERY emotion! I enjoy music that touches you way down deep inside...where you can actually forget about life's problems! Music is LOVE to me! BESOS! @justrrrs

    1. Uplifting music is most certainly a form of love. Thank you for bringing that to the conversation. I love that you are participating! :)


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