Thirty Days of Gratitude: My BYU Education

There are not words sufficient to cover the depth of my gratitude for being able to go to the university of my choice. When I had set the goal, I had no way of knowing the circumstances in which I would be once I could attend. I don't want to set forth a long, drawn-out sob story, but needless to say, I could not be where I am today achieving my goals and reaching those dreams without the absolute generous hearts of the donors and facilitators of the scholarship programs at Brigham Young University. My heart is burgeoning with pure thankfulness and love for these complete strangers. Even on my worst days, I always remember how lucky I am to be there. How very blessed and fortunate I am. When I am struggling to keep going, I remember how they, not even knowing me, have put there confidence in me by making it all possible, and I am encouraged to continue working.


  1. I love this! Some people take education for granted, but this post is a beautiful expression of gratitude.

    My #DailyGratitude: Day 27

    1. Whenever I stop to think about it, I am moved to tears every time.


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