Thirty Days of Gratitude: My Children

Every mother I have ever met or can even dream of loves her children. We wish for every good thing for them. They drive us bonkers on a weekly, if not daily, basis. We see them for who they can become. They love us back in such uniquely touching ways.

All of this said, I am moved as I think of the road my children and I have had to travel the past several years. It has been sad, confusing, strengthening, and heartening--a hot mess of love and tears. Yet, they keep going. They keep on looking to me for love, answers, support. They keep me going. My heart is burgeoning with adoration, respect, and awe as I am merely scratching the surface of recognizing their worth as individuals. I do not know where I would be at this moment if I didn't have them.

I dedicate Home by Phillip Phillips to my precious children.

It is a great privilege to be their mother, and I hope they will always know where to find home.

For more information on how to participate in Thirty Days of Gratitude, click here.


  1. Essential Oils

  2. This is by far the best role that I continue to play everyday! To be responsible for another human beings life?! Talk about pressure?! God has blessed me with 3 beautiful sons. Although, 2 of them are already adults...the role of a Mother NEVER ends! They will ALWAYS be my babies! My 12 year old son is VERY attached to me and I just LOVE it! I know soon he will start to detach somewhat when he figures out that its not cool to be a MAMA's BOY! Oh well, I've dealt with that 2 times before. Believe me, behind closed doors they show me how much they need me. Whether, I'm cooking for them or washing their clothes...or when they just need some simple advice. They know that I will ALWAYS be there for them. No matter what! God Bless! BESOS! @justrrrs #daily gratitude

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