Thirty Days of Gratitude: Poetry

Sewing of Sails

If only I could send all the brokenness in the world
Out to sea where the current could whisk it away
Into the vast unknown where no one would have to feel it.
Yet sailing off into sunsets is something from books--
Books with  happy endings that never tell the tale
Of when hearts are wounded nor of parting of ways
That happens from time to time and all too often nowadays.

If only I could mend all the hearts in the world
With a stitch or two of kindness that would last a lifetime through
Making all those I love somehow able to feel the happiness
Weaved between the threads that bind our lives together--
Together in harmony and joy with a foundation in reality
Of another world where justice and mercy meet
That God from whence we came before time could teach.


  1. Photographs:


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