Top Ten Readers' Choice 2012

Reading through these ten blogs, I realize how my words are not my own. Each one has been inspired by someone else. I give each of you who have made these rise to the top my thanks for being, recognizing, and sharing my inspiration. 

As in all truly fabulous countdowns, we shall start with ten in order to lead up to the Number One Readers' Choice.


10. Purple Pancakes

9Without Them, Life Would Be Miserable

8. Sunlight and Supernovas

7. The Best Mostaccioli Recipe Yet Written

6. Thirty Days of Gratitude

5. Top Ten -licious Words Every Geek Should Know

4. My Heart Exposed

3. WANTED: Awareness, Respect, Acceptance

2. Short People Problems and Painting

1. Heartbreak Hotel: Lunchroom Edition

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