passing time

Walking from one class to the next (and being on-time to the next class) in crowded high school halls used to seem like quite the feat. I remember having to run the last stretch to some classes in order to beat the end of the tardy bell's reverberation and losing the battle on occasion. That occasion typically had something to do with a boy. It makes me blush to think about how much kissing I did in the hallways of my public high school. Quite shameful.

Fortunately for me (or unfortunately depending on what day it is), I don't have boy-crazy tendencies because, if I did, I'd never be on time to my college classes.   Two days a week there are a measly ten minutes between two of my classes where I have to go outside and pass four large buildings in order to go down a flight of stairs to a basement classroom.

Tell my high school self that I'd be doing that to get to class and I might never have enrolled in college. Seriously.


  1. I'd still take college over high school any day of the week.

  2. I'd still take college over high school any day of the week.


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