Word of the Year 2012: Healed

Throughout this year, I have reflected on whether I am keeping to the path toward healing. A positive attitude in the face of great trial and negativity has been difficult, but, when successful, highly rewarding. Lost confidence in myself has been regained as well as a sense of independent well-being. I have always been who I am, yet I didn't recognize myself anymore--until lately. The thoughtful, fun-loving, stands up for herself self is coming back, and it feels so great.

My healing process has included a lot of letting go of busy-ness and reaching toward more spirituality. Including God in my daily life even more has changed my life although I certainly have a long way to go in this area.

For 2013, I want to focus on the word joyful--being a source of joy for others, setting a more joyful tone in my home, doing things that create joy in my life, and allowing myself to feel joy. The healing goal proved successful, and adding joyfulness is just the next logical step. It will seal the deal, so to speak.

There will always be trials and stresses. How I choose to face them is up to me.

highlights of the healing process

A small slice of why I chose this photo:

If you know anything about me, you'll know that I am an emotional eater and Hostess Snoballs have been a medication of choice for me since I was a young girl.  I am very sorry for the loss of income for the workers and their families due to the bankruptcy of Hostess, but not having Snoballs on the shelves has helped me get closer to my goal of being healed of emotional eating--a babystep closer, but a step nonetheless.


  1. That is a wonderful world and I'm glad you chose that for 2013. You are such a strong woman and I aspire to be like you someday. I love your positive outlook and I hope 2013 blesses your family.

    1. You are too kind. It is a privilege to share my words and self with you and everyone. I hope you realize how strong you are in every step you make.

  2. Although not my word for 2012, it was a year of healing for me as well. I'm glad you collected your documentation all in one place via the links in this post. For me, I'm still trying to put my healing into words, trying to figure it all out. May 2013 be as joyful as possible for you.

    1. I believe many people have had some healing to do this past year. Being more mindful of what others are suffering was part of my healing goals, so I really noticed a great deal more than I would have. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.


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