Laura and Oscar: Week 3

Adventures in falling

I mapped out which way to walk to my classes in order to “run into” this guy I was crushing on so badly. I didn’t necessarily run into him as much as I would end up walking behind him so I could watch him walking. There were a couple of times I remember having to run to my next class because the route I’d taken to get a glimpse of his behind and back of his head was so out of the way I had near walked around the entire school. We had outdoor passing most days so it wasn’t too awkward, but still. I had to run for crying out loud. You’d think I would have been embarrassed about it, but whatever. 

He was so cute and I’d never ever liked anyone like this before. His smile was infectious and he seemed so sweet. 

His laugh. Now that’s something. He would just blurt out this amazingly loud laughter that sent a zing through me and I was in love. be continued next week.

Previous weeks:

Week 1 

Week 2 

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