a book slice

Getting the book into my hands felt like being that kid in the candy store who just got the last everlasting gobstopper from the jar.

I'd been on the library's waiting list for about a month, so I'm sure at least a few people behind me wished I hadn't remembered to pick it up before the 7-day hold period was over.

But whatever. Suckers! I did remember, and it's all mine! Mine, I say!

Well, until the due date in 3 weeks.


  1. You left us hanging! What book is it?

    1. I didn't think about that! Reached. In case you don't know, it's the last book in the Matched trilogy by Ally Condie. I loved the first two, and so far, this one is not a disappointment.

      But really, any book title could be inserted that we've waited on for so long, right?

  2. I remember that thrill but I traded it in for a click on my iPad. ENjoy!

  3. The pay-off for waiting is sweet.

  4. I do remember the anticipation...but these days, I do the Kindle click and have instant gratification - at least on that front!

  5. Ah, the wait is over. That is the best! Enjoy your read!

  6. Fun post! You built the excitement and anticipation well!!

  7. This is exactly how I felt when I was reading the Hunger Games series! I could feel myself right there with you! The excitement, the waiting, the need to read! Awesome!

    1. I got a hold of The Hunger Games series a couple months before Mockingjay came out, and the wait near killed me.

  8. After reading these comments, I believe I might have just written a piece for the history "books". :)


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