a slice of Easter

A new day. The sun is shining, and I actually do hear birds singing outside my window. I am awakened by the delightful sounds of Spring--not my children babbling about what the Easter Bunny brought them whilst they slept.

It is the first time we are not together for Easter. I am certain God knew I would feel heartache because as I arose the music and words to one of my favorite Easter hymns "He is risen!" came into my mind at the very first. Not any self pity. Not any emptiness. Only a feeling of fullness of joy and of the holy spirit.

There were moments during church that I felt their absence pinch at my heart, but my Father in Heaven would not have me be anything but of good cheer today. In celebration of Easter, I had the pleasure of conducting an adult choir and a girls choir during our Sacrament service. So, between all the spiritually uplifting messages and doing my part, I was filled to the brim with no room for sadness.

This day is not done, but I want to tell you of a transformative experience I had after church. While preparing for the Easter Bunny's late arrival tomorrow, I was wishing the children were with me. I even allowed myself to entertain a few tears, but then I recalled all of the beautiful messages of peace and Christ's sacrifice and resurrection that I received earlier in the day and could only feel gladness. Instantly, I felt glad that I had received comfort, that I have a testimony of Christ and his atonement. And then the transformation occurred. I began to feel glad that my children's father did not have to be alone this Easter. The fact remains that we cannot be together which means someone will always need to be apart from the children on holidays. From one moment to the next, I was transformed from selfishly sad to reveling in compassion. I have been happy from that moment on--completely filled with God's love for me.

Many times in our lives, we are apart from those we cherish, but the good news is that Christ can be our companion as we allow his atonement to heal our hearts. We can sing a song of redeeming love by reaching past ourselves and recognizing that God has a plan and it is one of happiness. I know Christ lives and loves you and me even all of us. 

I hope that my experience might reach someone in need of it today. Have a blessed Easter, everyone.


  1. Thank you for sharing such a moment of grace.

  2. I did not get to spend Easter with my children either - it is hard at times. But I talked with them and we will get together later in the month. Glad you will have timne with your kids tomorrow. Happy Easter!
    It has been such a wonderful month - may we all continue each week!

  3. I am so filled with peace and compassion as I read this incredible slice. It reflects the real meaning of this holiday - nothing to do with eggs and baskets - and everything to do with kindness and compassion and forgiveness. The "little" things of Easter (eggs, bunnies, gifts) pale in comparison to the gift you got this morning. Sends chills down my spine just thinking about it!

  4. This is a beautiful example of what a kind, selfless person you truly are, Lar...especially given the way a certain someone has been treating you lately. It just goes to show that the love of Christ - even charity - can truly shape our own outlook on life, and our own happiness. I am sorry that you didn't get to spend Easter with your little monkeys, but I know that Heavenly Father loves you, and you will be blessed for your faith and grace. <3


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