A Social Experiment

The other day, I was perusing Facebook and liked a bunch of awesome statuses from my friends--stuff like running marathons, singing national anthems for baseball games, their children winning trophies, and other accomplishments. I have been pondering lately on how we simply do not have any super amazing stuff going on in my immediate family, and this got my mind going again. I can't afford to put anyone in dance or gymnastics or soccer or baseball. (And, to be honest, I don't really want our life's schedule being dictated by the all-powerful Game/Competition Scheduler.) After doing an indoor cycling class, I had thought it would be a healthy fun thing to get into cycling as a family. Then, I saw how much the bikes cost. I can't do that either. Also, I simply don't have the support necessary to do more than what we already have going on. (Divorce and college are my hobbies.)

So, I began to go down the list of things we are doing individually and as a family and concluded that we aren't over-the-top excelling at much of anything.  Well, until my daughter started up some negativity about her grades. She said to me that everyone in her class got straight A's except for her, and so she is a poor student. No way was I going to let her think that! I told her that B's are good grades too; Straight A's are nice and it feels great to get them, but A's and B's are something to be proud of.

This brings me back to Facebook and feeling my mediocrity. If I'm going to tell my daughter that A's and B's are awesome, I need to take my own advice. Hypocrisy is not acceptable. So, I decided to write a snapshot of our day and see if people would appreciate our version of fabulous. This is what I wrote:
Shameless Brag Update: My 16-year-old with Autism totally went down the slide at the park about five times, and said, "TagYouIt" to her siblings. My 13-year-old is still alive after forgetting who he was talking to when he blurted out, "Be quiet.". My 9-year-old got A's and B's on her report card. My 7-year-old is really cute and quiet.
My friends did not disappoint. I have 27 likes and counting as well as the best comments telling me how I'm a good mom for seeing the little things, they couldn't do it without me, and one friend who understands what TagYouIt means did a metaphorical cartwheel in celebration of our "accomplishments". 

This social experiment proves to me that it's all about perspective. I could have said all of those things with bitterness and sarcasm. I could have friends who look at it and think What a weirdo. (Actually, I think they already do that, but it's not because of my family being lame or lesser than.) If I want to feel like what I'm doing is important--no matter what it may be--I only need recognize it as important and worthwhile.

After all, I have found something we are doing smashingly. We are excelling at living, and that's quite an accomplishment.



  1. I love this! Isn't it all really about who you are, who your family is, and the little things that make you unique and happy?

  2. Good for you! You have stuck together and weathered the storm and you have Facebook community that supports you. Sometimes we get lost in the hustle and bustle and we forget to look up and appreciate what we have.

  3. Kudos! Facebook is a funny place, some people are braggers and some are complainers. Your family is your family and you don't have to justify that to anyone.

  4. I think of this more seasonally when I get those Christmas letters. We have often talked about what our list of accomplishments would look like and it was not publishable. But I do have so much to be thankful for and to be proud of. I'm glad you put your list out there.


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