Answer to Prayers

As many of you know, I have been in the midst of a highly contested divorce and life has been difficult--to say the least. So anyways, I have struggled a great deal to keep moving forward in positive directions. I want to feel like I am accomplishing things and doing something with myself despite the stupid stuff that keeps stifling progress. The past couple of weeks have been especially challenging for many reasons, so I have been pondering and praying to know what I can do to keep positive, to stop allowing myself to resort to sad negativity. My conclusions were discouraging. I couldn't see anything more to do. But then, something outside of what I could do happened within just a few days of my realization. My sister-in-law who lives 400 miles away decided she needed to come visit me. No longer would I have to face the weekend without the support I have been truly in need of.

And it has been an absolute miracle. I have felt happier and more energized than I have in too long. Being able to talk openly and feel appreciated has been refreshing beyond my ability to communicate.

This weekend visitor has been an answer to my prayers.


  1. I believe our prayers are always heard, although not always answered in the way we wish. I feel the hope and rejuvenation in your words after a weekend connecting with someone who cares about you.

  2. People need people. I'm glad you found someone to help you through this time.


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