Going Nowhere in Neutral

I can't seem to stop holding my breath and idling away my days with waiting.

The divorce decree has not been handed down from the bench yet, and it has been almost two months since the trial.

Excuses prevail in circumstances such as these, but I really ought to figure out how to get myself moving forward. I can't seem to gather enough strength to do it. So I shall carry on in neutral for a bit longer.

I never realized how far one could go in neutral. It can drive one right over a cliff after awhile.


  1. I know exactly how you feel. I was in neutral for the last few years on two STILL UN-resolved issues in my life. I finally shifted into first gear.

  2. It's so very easy to get stuck in neutral, waiting for situations to resolve themselves. Personally, I spent too many years that way.

    Then, with a kick in the ... attitude, grabbed life with both hands and leaped into the unknown. It hasn't been easy - but I'm definitely out of neutral. (I hope.)


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