the moon

I was reading a slice of life last Friday by Mandy and it caused me to reflect on my own relationship with my mother. She and I didn't always get along like peaches and cream, but since her passing nearly ten years ago, I have been able to realize what a beautiful (although imperfect) relationship we had. It truly has been a treasure for me to look back and see what a selfless example of love I was given. I hope you enjoy the poem inspired by this most recent reflection:

The Moon

Me asking for the moon
Her trying to give it
Me taking up her time
Her getting frustrated
Yet giving it gladly
Her loving me
Her sacrificing
Her giving and giving
Because somehow
What I managed to accomplish
Gave her the moon

Her patiently watching
Waiting for the day 
When I could take over
Her teaching me
Just before she left
How to receive the moon
From the bright eyes of a child 


  1. Oh my, this is a very inspiring poem. It shows the cycle of life that I question for understanding.

  2. Yes, it is so true that as a child we ask for the moon, they try to give it, all the while we have given them the moon and don't realize it...until our own ask for the moon. Lovely.

  3. You have written a beautiful poem.

  4. So many of us can relate to your poem. With their passing, our mothers' influence and messages become even more important to hold onto.

  5. Absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad you were inspired by our story and found your own. Mothers are a special gift. I love how you connected this to the moon and with what she gave you, returned the moon to her. Life is a circle.

    1. The words truly came to me in the midst of reading your slice. Thank you for taking time to read my response. It means so much.


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