Laura and Oscar: Week 11

Sweet 16

Not mine-- Oscar’s. I am not sure why I was invited or how I got there, but my friend Katherine and I were at Scandia with Oscar and one of his friends. We played mini-golf, laughed, talked. I remember secretly watching him smile when we were by the windmill hole (not sure of the number) and feeling the warmth of it. Honestly, I do not remember talking to Katherine or Oscar's friend even one time.

Oh yes, and that reminds me that I almost forgot to add how flirting was one of the main activities at hand. We were especially good at it since we knew each other from love’s beginning--flirting at the level of an art form. We truly had an unfair advantage over other people. It probably made all witnesses to it sick to their stomachs.

Needless to say, I recall wanting to make an impression on him. I wanted more than anything for Oscar to like me enough to once again be more than my friend. be continued next week. 

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