a rambling toward home

Looking back and looking forward together--at the same time--I wonder at the complexities of life. I wonder about love and loss and everything in the middle. There are times in my life that I wish I could capture more clearly in my mind, yet my memory will not allow it. I have potholes in my path, blank spaces where entire stories would reside if I could merely pull them out of the recesses of the nothingness that now traps them. Even so, I know I have lived and will continue to live with vibrancy. I know there are cherished moments that I do recall. And that is why I write. I write so I may put the path straight before it fades into the blank space as if nothing ever were scratched upon the pages of my life, before the potholes engulf everything and I remember no more. I write that I might capture these moments now and not let them fly past with no notice. Moments like this when my heart is cracked open, wide, ready to burst with emotion and longing--longing for home. Home. A simple word with so many layers. Home for my heart and mind and soul. I long for all of them. All the versions of home a person could ever need, that is what I need. Discovering and exposing portions of home each time I write compels me to keep at it, to keep wishing and longing and hoping for home in all its splendor and glory now and into all eternity.

WRITE your slice. SHARE your link. GIVE some comments to (at least three) other slicers.If you're leaving your comment early in the day, please consider returning this evening or tomorrow to read some of our evening posters' slices.


  1. Just beautiful! Oh how words, birthed deep within, bring us back to that place we began. That beautiful place, we recall from somewhere within....


  2. These words were so powerful today...the many layers of home...the potholes. What a great description of those memories that seem lost...but might just be living in a pothole to be discovered. Jackie http://familytrove.blogspot.com/

  3. Oh my gosh, this is a beautiful post. The images you create with your words are powerful and will stay with me. Thank you! Julie www.raisingreadersandwriters.com

  4. I will take this line with me this week, "I write so I may put the path straight before it fades into the blank space as if nothing ever were scratched upon the pages of my life, before the potholes engulf everything and I remember no more. "
    I think that pretty much sums up why we all write...so that the memories do not fade away.

  5. What beautiful imagery that captures the power of writing. Thank you!

  6. Sometimes it seems that the memories have faded away until we start to write about them. Then the words seem to crawl out of the potholes just in time.


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